The devastated father, Peter Wachira Kariuki, recounted the heart-wrenching moment when he had the chance to speak to his beloved daughter, Sergeant Rose Nyawira, just a few days prior to her tragic passing. The memory of their last conversation, which took place on a somber Sunday, April 14, before bidding her farewell, lingers in his mind, filled with both sorrow and cherished moments shared.
Martin Kinyua, Nyawira’s shattered brother, struggled to come to terms with the devastating news that his sister’s life had been cut short. Overwhelmed by disbelief, he couldn’t fathom the fact that someone with such a promising future ahead could be taken away so abruptly. The weight of grief and the loss of a sister who held so much potential weighed heavily on his heart, leaving him grappling with a profound sense of sorrow.
In the wake of this tragic event, the father, Peter Wachira Kariuki, and the shattered brother, Martin Kinyua, find themselves engulfed in a sea of emotions. The memory of their last interactions with Sergeant Rose Nyawira, a daughter and sister who possessed a radiant spirit and a promising future, serves as a bittersweet reminder of the profound impact she had on their lives. As they navigate through the depths of grief, they hold onto the cherished memories they shared with her, forever etched in their hearts.