In a devastating turn of events, Brian Chira, a well-known TikToker from Kenya, has met an untimely demise following a tragic accident in the Karuri area of Kiambu County. The police have confirmed this heartbreaking news, leaving many in shock and disbelief.
Early Saturday morning, Chira’s lifeless body was discovered at the scene of the accident and was later transported to the City Mortuary. The authorities have revealed that he was struck by a speeding vehicle, although specific details surrounding the incident are still scarce.
Prior to the accident, it has come to light that Chira was involved in an altercation at a local bar in the Gacharage region, which ultimately led to his expulsion from the premises. After leaving the bar, he decided to take a motorcycle towards his residence but made the fateful decision to disembark and attempt to cross the road on foot. Unfortunately, a speeding lorry collided with him and fled the scene, leaving witnesses and law enforcement to piece together the sequence of events. As the investigation unfolds, the news of Chira’s passing has spread rapidly on social media, evoking a mix of grief and skepticism due to his controversial past actions.