In Maua, Meru county, an extraordinary incident unfolded recently. The community was in distress as they searched for a young man who had tragically drowned in the nearby waters of Iriene. Hours passed, and their desperation and sadness grew. However, a Prophetess from Kiegoi, adorned in pristine white attire, arrived to offer her assistance.
As soon as she appeared, everyone paused their activities, eagerly anticipating what would unfold next. The Prophetess engaged in a brief prayer, beseeching God to aid in the discovery of the young man. Then, something truly remarkable transpired. She commanded the young man to emerge from the water, and astonishingly, his lifeless body ascended to the surface. The onlookers were left astounded and awestruck by this miraculous sight.
Following this incredible event, the people of Maua were overwhelmed with gratitude towards God for saving the young man’s life. As a gesture of appreciation, they collectively decided to abstain from consuming alcohol and engaging in sexual activities for an entire week. This was their way of expressing their profound gratitude to God for His assistance.
Buoyed by the encouragement and inspiration derived from this incident, the Prophetess led a multitude of individuals to another location known as Kithetu. It was believed that this place harbored malevolent spirits, and thus, they sought to pray and restore harmony to the area. The Prophetess and her devoted followers aspired to eradicate any traces of evil forces from Kithetu, aiming to bring about tranquility and serenity.