In a tragic turn of events, a young man lost his life in an ambush carried out by bandits in the Embossos area of Marigat, Baringo County. The victim, identified as Patrick Kipkurwo, was only 20 years old and was shot dead while clearing bushes for farming. The incident took place on Thursday evening, March 28, leaving the community in shock and fear.
The situation escalated when the gunmen also targeted a senior General Service Unit officer who was leading a team to respond to the scene. Chief Inspector Philip Roy, in charge of GSU Arabal Base, sustained an injury to his left lower hand during the encounter. Despite the chaos and violence, security agents acted swiftly to counter the gang, resulting in a shootout. The attackers managed to escape, leaving behind a trail of devastation and loss.
As the community mourns the loss of Patrick Kipkurwo and prays for the recovery of Chief Inspector Philip Roy, concerns arise about the motives behind these attacks. Speculations suggest that valuable land in the area may be the target, leading to displacement and unrest among the residents. The government, along with local leaders, is working tirelessly to address the escalating violence and ensure the safety and security of the people in Baringo County.